
We honor our most committed alumni, parents, and friends for their valuable support and contribution through the College’s acknowledgment and recognition policies.
Report on Giving
In 2019, Athens College acknowledged a broader range of donors for 2017-2018 (September 1 to August 31), for the first time under giving categories. Τhe “Report on Giving” was distributed in print to members of the extended Athens College community, as well as at the annual event honoring donors, volunteers and supporters of the College.
In the annual Report on Giving, special mention is made to the School’s Lifetime Benefactors, whose contributions have been acknowledged in the School's history. Reference is also made to donors and supporters for the fiscal year (September 1 - August 31). Donors are listed alphabetically within categories (Honor Roll of Donors: Giving Societies), according to their their annual aggregate giving level and their stated preference (by own name/ name of a loved one/ company name or as anonymous). Giving in kind that offsets budget costs is also acknowledged. Additional reference (alphabetically, regardless of and without reference to gift amount) is made to donors who supported specific programs and initiatives as recorded in the report, including 50 and 25 year milestone reunions. Special mention is made to the top 5 classes in participation and giving.
In accordance with applicable laws, the report may not be reproduced or distributed to third parties, in whole or in part. Content of the annual Report on Giving can be reproduced online and in print within media that communicate and promote the work of Athens College, in special tributes or publications related to the support of the School, such as, inter alia: sending by e-mail to members of the Athens College family, reference to the President's Report (online and in print), reference to the School’s website.
Annual Fund Digital Donor Wall
For the first time, all Annual Fund Holiday 2020 donors irrespective of gift amount were acknowledged on the Annual Fund Holiday 2020 Digital Donor Wall upon their consent and the confirmation of gift receipt. Acknowledgment included full name and graduation year for alumni/ae. Gift amount was not made public. The Digital Donor Wall will be maintained and enriched with gifts to the Annual Fund made throughout the year.
Naming opportunities
Naming opportunities are tied to specific giving opportunities and contributions. See more under Our Priorities and contact the Development Office (T: +30 210 6798217-8, email: [email protected] for more information.
Alumni Fund Drive Cup
Tradition has it that every year, during the annual event honoring donors, volunteers and supporters of the College, classes with the highest — per decade — participation in support of the work of the College are acknowledged. Class agents are invited to the stage to receive Cups as acknowledgment. Should one class achieve the highest score for three consecutive years, the class gets to keep the Cup in honor of its valuable contribution
in serving the College’s vision and mission.
Stories and Voices of ImpACT
Storytelling has always been at the heart of the College’s course in history to convey the founding principles, the vision and the efforts to serve the School’s mission. Athens College Stories and Voices of ImpACT (SVoI) communicate the highest purposes and best legacies of our institution. Great stories last and inspire by being told again and again.
Giving is part of the School’s DNA running across its history from our founders and lifetime benefactors up to the most recent generous donors. We need to demonstrate what it means to support the School and what impact it has on our communities, our country, and the world. The year 2025 celebrating the Athens College Centennial will be paying tribute to the School’s culture of giving as well as the power of giving. The role of the class agents in identifying and bringing forward SVoI will be crucial.
Website & Social Media
Under the Athens College website and the giving pages, our donors will be acknowledged in many ways, including through our giving opportunities, SVoI and beyond. Moreover, the dynamic
School social media (Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Youtube) and Fund Drive Facebook page as well as SAKA website and social media (Facebook page, Facebook group & SAKA Chapters) reaching thousands of people all over the world, are valuable tools for donor recognition and acknowledgment, with donor prior approval.
Thank you!
Lifetime Benefactors |
Great Benefactors Major Benefactors Benefactors Major Donors Donors |
Giving Societies |
Emmanuel Benakis Society (100.000 € and above)
Stephanos & Penelope Delta Society (50.000 € - 99.999 €) Homer Davis Society (20.000 € - 49.999 €)Partners in Education (10.000 € - 19.999 €) Patrons (2.500 € - 9.999 €) Donors (1.000 € - 2.499 €) Supporters (500 € - 999 €) Friends (250 € - 499 €) Contributors (1 € - 249 €) Donors are not listed by name . |