Your gift. Your choice.

Support what you care most deeply about while meeting the College’s strategic priorities and urgent needs. While gifts of every size are welcome, there are specific opportunities for special gifts that enable you to increase the impact of your support on the College’s initiatives.
Every gift counts. Every gift matters. Collective participation is our strength.
Giving opportunities
We believe scholarship
support enriches the experience of every student. Supporting scholars brings different voices to our
classrooms and labs, playing fields, athletic facilities, libraries and dining
halls. This
makes the College a place for unexpected questions, diverse perspectives, and
deeper discussions, and it enables talented young people to prepare for
productive careers, lives of meaning and purpose, and global citizenship.
Through a gift to our Support a Scholar initiative, your giving has an immediate effect. It will not only transform the lives of exceptionally promising children, but help all our students to become more empathetic citizens of the world.
Here are some ways you may designate your gift to Support a scholar:
Financial aid: The College’s Financial Aid Program enables the College to guarantee financial aid for students who qualify.
Summer study abroad: Summer Study Abroad Scholarships offer students an opportunity to study briefly in a foreign country, to get to know new places, new customs and traditions, to interact with similarly-aged children from different countries and make new friends, gaining a more global perspective and cross-cultural understanding.
Talented faculty are at the heart of Athens College. Our goal is to attract, retain and develop inspiring teachers who will help students grow academically, socially, and personally. This requires significant investment to ensure that the College is adapting to rapidly evolving best practices.
The College libraries are a unique asset. They are at the heart of the College’s focus on project-based learning. They are exciting centers where students of every age learn to research and apply critical thinking skills to develop original work, and come to their own conclusions about the world.
The collection of the School’s main library alone consists of approximately 70,000 volumes in Greek and English, as well as 200 current titles of printed and electronic journals, magazines, newspapers and databases, which are available to approximately 500 visitors per day.
Your support helps cover needs that make a good library a great one.
Those needs include information technology, electronic subscriptions, books, and more.
Athens College has exceptional facilities, mainly funded by major benefactors, individual donors, foundations and other organizations. Two great campuses spanning 333,000 square meters include the historic campus in Psychico and the contemporary campus in Kantza, both designed to harmoniously balance the landscape and iconic buildings of increased architectural value.
Supporting a capital project helps open new frontiers for learning.
Capital projects provide a healthy, nurturing and sustainable environment needed to inspire, revitalize and encourage students to perform beyond their known potential, as well as be creative and mindful. Our priorities lie in recognizing the value of our resources, making full use of the existing facilities on both campuses, identifying those opportunities that are both consistent with the School’s mission, and possessing the capacity to generate resources for core operations of the College.
Although there are no plans to introduce new buildings in the immediate future -- other than possibly a Multi Purpose Room for our Pre-K & K and an Arts Hub and Student Center -- maintenance, renovation, technological upgrading, new equipment, and repurposing of existing buildings require significant investment. Capital funding may support those short-term and long-term needs.
Immediate priorities include the renovation of AC Junior High School (Gymnasium) buildings, the revamping of Athletic facilities and the renovation of the Bodossakis Elementary School on the Kantza campus.
Maintaining the qualities that define Athens College and distinguish it as a premier K-12 institution, and keeping it strong for the future, require substantial resources.
Endowed funds are investments in our School, our community, and our future that allow them to thrive. They are like savings accounts where the principal is not touched but the fund grows and spins off more and more income as years pass. Their earnings provide a permanent source of income for the School. And, while the Annual Fund helps us live; endowed funds help us grow. They can be unrestricted or designated by the donor for use in support of specific programs, initiatives, or building/renovation projects.
Endowed funds are vital to ensuring that the College will continue to fulfill its mission, and service for generations to come.