Message from the College’s Medical Services

Jan 11, 2021

Psychico, January 11, 2021

Dear Parents,

From the beginning of the school year, the Administration and Medical Services of the College have made every effort to prevent the spread of the new coronavirus.  As part of this effort, we had adopted an additional protection measure:  students returning to School following their absence due to compatible symptoms, isolation due to positive testing, or quarantining due to close contact with a confirmed case had to present a medical certificate.

On 11.11.2020, the new directives of EODY (Public Health Authority) on the management of cases of infection in school units clearly state that a medical certificate is not required to return to school.  However, the same directives recognize a medical evaluation as a prerequisite for proper compliance with the prescribed procedure.

Kindly be informed that in full compliance with the new directive, we no longer require the presentation of a medical certificate.  However, as an additional measure to protect from and prevent the spread of the disease, we ask that you responsibly declare that the procedure has been followed. This will also help to ensure the health of all members of the College family and, by extension, public health.

Therefore, in the event that your son/daughter is absent from school, please submit the attached affidavits and describe in detail the relevant conditions as follows:

1.     Affidavit Α: if the absence is due to compatible symptoms or isolation due to positive testing

2.     Affidavit Β: if the absence is due to quarantining due to close contact with a confirmed case

Affidavits should be sent electronically to the Secretariat of the student’s respective school unit no later than the evening preceding his/her return to school.  They will be safeguarded in a special electronic file, which will be accessible by the School Unit’s Administration and the College Medical Services for as long as the pandemic lasts.

As you know of course, the School is once again requiring diagnostic testing of all personnel and temperature screening of everyone entering the campus.   We ask those parents and children who have not participated in optional testing in the last two days and who traveled over the holidays to be tested for the new coronavirus and inform us of their results.

Thank you for your cooperation and from the bottom of my heart Ι wish you and your family a Happy and Healthy New Year.

Αntonios Makris, MD | Pediatrician
Head of Medical Services
Athens College | Hellenic-American Educational Foundation

15 Stephanou Delta Street | Psychico 15452
Tel: +302106798267, 174 |Fax: +302106798174 |Mob: +306974484440
