Announcement regarding the Start of In-Person Classes on January 11, 2021

Jan 7, 2021

Kantza, January 7, 2021


TO: The Parents of A.C. Elementary School Students

FROM: The Elementary School Administration


Dear Parents,

Happy New Year. May it be filled with good health and contentment!

We hope you are all in good health and uplifted by the promises the new year holds.  As you have already been informed, on Monday, January 11, 2021, teachers and students return to schools following a two-month hiatus during which time classes were conducted through distance learning platforms.

In view of this, we consider it necessary to remind you of some important matters concerning the operation of the School, taking into account the epidemiological facts to date.

Α. Good Hygiene Practices

The use of non-surgical masks is mandatory in all indoor and outdoor areas of the school.  Masks are also mandatory when students are riding school buses.  It is important that children bring along a sufficient number of masks so that they can change them when necessary, even though the School has made sure that a sufficient number of masks are available at the Offices of the Deputy Administrators.

Frequent hand washing using soap and water, the use of antiseptic hand gel located in each classroom, and the observation of social distancing in all areas of the School are key prerequisites for all of us to be safe and healthy. Special markings found around the School help for this purpose.  Finally, we remind you that children must bring water bottles from home and use water fountains only for refilling purposes.

Β. Organizational Issues

Temperature screening and hand cleansing / sanitization are carried out both for students arriving by school buses and those using private transportation. 

Classrooms are systematically ventilated and desks all face in the same direction to reduce students’ exposure to droplets from coughing or sneezing. Children should dress appropriately during this period to facilitate the observance and implementation of hygiene practices recommended by EODY (Public Health Authority).

Children eat meals in their classrooms using personal tableware/containers and cutlery. Students who bring lunch from home should bring it in an isothermal, airtight container.  Please note that soups and sauces should be avoided. We also remind you that handing out treats is not permitted in School.

Each section will continue to take breaks in a specific, dedicated area either in the School forest or the courts in order to avoid crowding.

Sanitization of all interior and exterior spaces of the School is our main concern.  The School is meticulously disinfected, both during breaks and at the end of the school day. Classrooms are cleaned at regular intervals by the School’s cleaning services, which are supported with additional staff.

It is important that those of you who pick up your children from the parking lot follow the instructions of the School’s employees who are responsible for the safe parking of your cars in this area.  Please observe the safety guidelines (use of masks, social distancing) as this is still a critical period.

Dear Parents,

We are confident that all of us – teachers, student, and parents – will go forward with the same seriousness of purpose that we exhibited in the first quarter, making every effort to stay safe.  We hope that we will soon be able to meet up in person at the School and return to normalcy.

Thank you for your cooperation, with wishes for a glorious and healthy new year.

Sincerely yours,

Loukas Zachos
