“Goodbye” Internet Explorer

“Goodbye” Internet Explorer

Microsoft officially leaves behind the first browser that helped us “surf” the waters of the Internet, having announced that Internet Explorer is ready to hand the baton over to the technology company’s new browser.

The “outdated browser” will be leaving us the moment Microsoft launches its new default browser in Windows 10.

Microsoft officially leaves behind the first browser that helped us “surf” the waters of the Internet, having announced that Internet Explorer is ready to pass the baton to the technology company’s new browser.

According to Microsoft’s chief marketing officer, the company is looking for a name for the new default browser that will be launched with the latest version of Windows: “We’re right now researching what the new brand, or the new name, for our browser should be in Windows 10,” said Chris Capossela.  

The end of Explorer was first announced on one of Microsoft’s blogs this past January.  Technicians are trying to replace Explorer with a more “lightweight” browser that will resemble Crome and Firefox which have attracted internet users over the last years.

The code name for the new browser is Project Spartan which is due to change shortly.

SourceKathimerini Newspaper 03/18/2015
