Funeral Blues and Other Poems

Funeral Blues and Other Poems

"In this bilingual book, Errikos Sofras (who has over twenty-five years of experience in translating demanding poetic works by poets such as Dickinson, Baudelaire, Penna) creates an anthology – including translations and comments - of twelve representative poems from Auden’s largest collection, “Another Time” (1939).  For his anthology, Sofras selects a range of poems that include both erotic and political ones, some written in metrical and others in free verse, still others in elegiac couplets, some meditative and some whimsical (written with the intent of being set to music).”

Author : Auden, W. H.
Edition : Kichli Publishing




Auden, W. H. Funeral Blues and Other Poems. Αthens: Kichli Publishing, 2015. (821.91 AUD)







Epitaph on a Tyrant

Perfection, of a kind, was what he was after, And the poetry he invented was easy to understand;He knew human folly like the back of his hand,And was greatly interested in armies and fleets;When he laughed, respectable senators burst with laughter,And when he cried the little children died in the streets.

January 1939

 “Wystan Hugh Auden (1907-1973) was the foremost poet of his generation, named the “Auden Group” (otherwise known as the “Generation of the’30s).  They characterized  him as poet of the city and of history.  He is also considered the poet par excellence who captured the spirit of the 20th century, having lived through significant political events, travelled extensively from continent to continent, and studied in depth some of the most important philosophical and political currents of his time.  A spontaneous and genuine poet, always on guard, he spoke as few others had about the “Age of Anxiety.”  He studied the poetry of Brecht and Cavafy and wrote anti-romantic, reflective and ironic poems.  With unpretentious and bold language and unparalleled technical skill, he tried to curb his excessive talent by writing mostly metrical and rhymed verse poems.  He was often heard saying: “A poet’s mission is to preserve the sanctity of language.  My only obligation is the correct use of my mother tongue.”

In this bilingual book, Errikos Sofras (who has over twenty-five years of experience in translating demanding poetic works by poets such as Dickinson, Baudelaire, Penna) creates an anthology – including translations and comments - of twelve representative poems from Auden’s largest collection, “Another Time” (1939).  For his anthology, Sofras selects a range of poems that include both erotic and political ones, some written in metrical and others in free verse, still others in elegiac couplets, some meditative and some whimsical (written with the intent of being set to music).”

- from Biblionet


Read more in Greek


Έργα του ποιητή και για τον ποιητή διαθέσιμα στη βιβλιοθήκη:

Auden, W. H. Wystan. Selected poetry of W. H. Auden. New York, N.Y.: Modern Library. 1958. (821.912 AUD)

Auden, W. H. Wystan. Collected longer poems. London: Faber, 1968. (821.912 AUD)

Auden, W. H. Wystan. Ποιήματα. Αθήνα: Κέδρος, 2002. (821.91 AUD)

Auden: a collection of critical essays. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1964. (821.912 SPE)

Hoggart, Richard. W. H. Auden. London: Longmans, Green for The British Council and The National Book League, 1966. (LIBR. OFF. 820.9 WRI no.93)

Mendelson, Edward. Early Auden. New York, N.Y.: Viking, 1981. (821.912 MEN)

Κριτικές - Παρουσιάσεις

Διονύσης Μαρίνος, Ο ποιητής που πιο πολύ αγάπησε, "Fractal", Απρίλιος 2016

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Κατερίνα Σχινά, Αντηχείο μιας νέας ευαισθησίας, "Η Καθημερινή"/ "Τέχνες και Γράμματα", 12.3.2016

Θοδωρής Μπόνης, Γουίσταν Χιου Ώντεν: Ένας ελεγειακός του ‘30, "Έξώστης", 29.2.2016

Γιώργος Βαϊλάκης, Μια άλλη διάσταση στην ποιητική παράδοση, "Ημερησία", 14.11.2015

Χαράλαμπος Γιαννακόπουλος, Γ. Χ. Ώντεν. Έκλαιγε γοερά από έρωτα όπως εγώ κι εσύ,, 11.11.2015

Τίνα Μανδηλαρά, Ο Ερρίκος Σοφράς για την ποίηση του Γ.Χ. Ώντεν, "Lifo", τχ. 451, 29.10.2015

Γιάννης Δούκας, Στο ποτάμι του καιρού, "Εφημερίδα των Συντακτών", 17.10.2015

Ένας Αλεξανδρινός του Βορρά, "Το Βήμα"/ "Βιβλία", 13.12.2015

Ενδιαφέρουσες ιστοσελίδες (The W.H. Auden Society) (Poetry Foundation) (All Poetry) (The New York Review of Books) (Βιογραφικό σημείωμα του ποιητή στην Encyclopedia Britannica) (Συνέντευξη του ποιητή στο Paris Review (Αποφθέγματα του W. H. Auden)
