Debate & Debating | Drama | Short stories & fiction | Speeches |
Debate & Debating
  • Debate Central
    All about debating: strategies and techniques, critiques, evidence, debate structure, rhetoric, and argument; how to speak in public; examples of debates on video; scholarships and jobs (in Debate Futures); teams and tournaments; coaching; current and past topics; and more. Use the site map for easiest site navigation.
    Resource for coaches of teams debating current policy issues. Learn debate strategies and techniques, critiques, evidence, debate structure, and argument; browse through the daily news updates; post on the bulletin board; or use the evidence exchange to form a solid presentation. The resources are downloaded from a wide variety of news services.
  • The International Debate Education Association (IDEA)
    IDEA is an independent membership organization of national debate programs and associations and other organizations and individuals that support debate.
  • On Conflict and Consensus
    A handbook on Formal Consensus decisionmaking with a chapter on Facilitation Techniques and Group Discussion Techniques
  • Suggestions for leading small-group discussions
    General concepts and teaching tips prepared by Lee Haugen, Center for Teaching Excellence, Iowa State University.
Short stories & Fiction
  • The Literature Network
    Over 300 full books and over 1000 short stories and poems by over 90 authors.
  • Short Stories
    Full text stories in the categories of children, crime, fiction, horror, humor, non-fiction, romancw, science fiction and fantasy.