Assessment plays an integral part in the MYP, concerns skills, and is based on assessment criteria specific to each course group.

Language Acquisition












Knowing and understanding


Investigating patterns




Applying mathematics in real-life contexts

Language and Literature



Producing text

Using language


Knowing and understanding


Inquiring and designing

Processing and evaluating

Reflecting on the impacts of science


Inquiring and analyzing

Developing ideas

Creating the solution


Individual And Societies

Knowing and understanding




Thinking critically

Physical and Health Education

Knowing and understanding

Planning for performance

Applying and performing

Reflecting and improving performance






Personal Project


Applying Skills



(The subject group for The Arts is not offered in 10th grade)

Teachers set goals and evaluate the level of their students’ achievements on a scale of 0 to 8 (0 corresponding to the failure of achieving any of the set goals and 8 to having fully achieved all of them).

The assessment process is continuous and consists of two types of evaluation:

  • formative assessment, in which the student receives teacher feedback on the evaluation criteria and then uses that feedback to evolve and reach his/her full potential
  • summative assessment, in which the student is asked to demonstrate the level of achievement of the expected objectives, is evaluated based on the evaluation criteria, and is graded on the eight-point evaluation scale.

The context of the assessment becomes clearer, taking into account the following  points:

  • A student who reaches a certain level of performance in one criterion does not have to achieve similar levels of performance in other criteria. Hence, the student’s particular strength or inclination can be highlighted and any areas for improvement identified.
  • A student’s achievement is described according to the learning objectives and not compared to the performance of other students.
  • The MYP achievement scale numbers should not be confused with numerical percentages.
  • Using the same reasoning, the 50% border passing score used in the National Curriculum does not exist in the MYP and there is no conversion to the twenty-point assessment scale. The same applies vice versa.

At the end of each semester, the School communicates the descriptive assessment of each student in each of the four criteria (A, B, C, D) for each course or group of courses.  At the end of the academic year, each student receives an annual MYP progress report per course or group of courses. This is the overall evaluation of the student’s performance, which is the result of the continuous, systematic and yearlong process of collecting, recording and using information about the student’s progress on his/her path to acquiring knowledge. The final assessment of the year is reflected on a scale of 1-7, with 7 being the highest level of performance.  The final score of 1-7 is derived from the sum of the scores of the four criteria (A, B, C, D), according to a specific reference table developed by the IB Organization.