The "Α" Association is the athletic club of Athens College – Psychico College whose purpose is to encourage and to advance fair play and good sportsmanship amongst students, as well as to cultivate and support our School’s sports activities both within the College and outside.

Admission into the Association is determined by the Department of Physical Education, during specially conducted sessions, and is agreed upon by the relevant School’s Administration as it concerns the candidate’s satisfactory academic performance and behavior.

Criteria for admission include: previous athletic distinctions, the candidate’s performance, as well as his/her ethos, sense of team spirit and good sportsmanship, behavior in P.E.classes and espousal of the principles of “fair play.”

The Association is administered by a seven-member council elected by active members who are High School pupils (skilled athletes) predominantly in the 11th and 12th grades.


Each year, this award is conferred upon the graduating student who has distinguished him/herself in athletic performance in tandem with a spirit of generosity, team work and positive initiative, within the principles of “fair play.”

Members of "Α" Association 2022-2023


Athletic Distinctions

Athletic Award