A good teacher continues to learn and evolve throughout his career. Our School’s investment in training its educators has always been of great importance in helping them to effectively carry out their demanding task. The continuous education/professional development programs we offer are designed to meet the proposals and demands of educators and covers their specific needs in a variety of subjects.

 The training program EDUCATE THE EDUCATORS, which aims to cover the needs of teachers across all grade levels, is innovative in its design and unique in its scope and all-inclusiveness.  Unlike other programs that are offered to both our own teachers as well as those from other schools, EDUCATE THE EDUCATORS is open exclusively to HAEF faculty.

The program’s objectives are:

  • to strengthen the knowledge, skills and emotional intelligence of educators, which are key elements for the development of good educational practices in every phase of their professional lives.
  • to provide faculty with the tools to enhance and develop professionally and create opportunities for them to interact  with other educators as members of an educational community that shares common goals.

 Throughout the year, we organize training sessions that are carried out either by our own teachers or by external collaborators from around Greece and abroad who are renowned professionals in the field of education.  They cover topics specific to various disciplines, as well as more general topics that concern pedagogical approaches, psychology, and counseling.  Our teachers also attend continuous education courses abroad, in accordance with the needs of the School and their particular interests.