The Most Beautiful Christmas Ornament

The Most Beautiful Christmas Ornament

Author : Aggeliki Darlasi
Edition : Metaixmio
Class name : grades 3 - 6

This is the story of a special Christmas ornament that hangs on a Christmas tree in someone’s home, in one of the many countries around the globe.  It is the story of a boy who, despite looking like an elf, put on soldier’s garb in order to go fight in one of the most savage wars.  It is also the story of a short ceasefire in a long war – when amongst the trenches appeared small Christmas trees.

It is a story who many would want to silence, or to let be forgotten, and that many did not believe and said was merely a legend. Yet this story is true… when on Christmas day 1914, during World War I, Christmas magic descended upon the Western Front and brotherhood and peace on Earth reigned.


The Most Beautiful Christmas Ornament

Publisher: Metaixmio

Year of Publishing: 2018

Pages: 48


(for students in grades 3 - 6)
