Nelly and the Quest for Captain Peabody

Nelly and the Quest for Captain Peabody

Author : Roland Chambers
Edition : Kaleidoscope Publications
Class name : 3rd & 4th grades

At one end of the cord was a little boat and on the other sat Nelly, cross-legged with her chin cupped in her hands, whilst her pet, a turtle named Columbus, basked in the sunshine.  Columbus was a very sleepy turtle, but when we would awake, he had a look in his eyes as though he had travelled to some very interesting place, even though he would never reveal it to you.

Nelly, daughter of Captain Peabody, misses her father, despite the fact that she does not recall ever having met him.  All she knows is that stored in a tin box, located in the corridor, is a bundle of letters he has sent and that he collects exotic snails …

Nelly and the Quest for Captain Peabody
Author: Roland Chambers
Publisher: Kaleidoscope Publications (Greek edition) / Oxford University Press (English edition)
Date of Publishing: 2016 / 2015
Pages: 176

For 3rd and 4th grade students
