Once Upon A Time a Bird Cage

Once Upon A Time a Bird Cage

Author : Rodoula Pappa
Edition : Nefeli
Class name : 2nd - 3rd

Once upon a time a bird cage.A bird cage like all other bird cages, with one difference:neither a canary, nor a parakeet, nor any other bird lived inside of it.It was an empty bird cage…“Woe is me,” it thought to itself.“An empty bird cage is a bird cage that has lost all its… caginess!How can an empty bird cage be itself?  How can it be happy?”And so, one day, it decided to set things right…

Once Upon A Time a Bird CageAuthor: Rodoula PappaPublisher: NefeliPublishing Date: 2014Pages: 34For 2nd and 3rd grade students

[date of posting:  11/20/2015]
