New, Mandatory Self-Test Measures (Gov. Gazette 2020/18-05-2021)

May 19, 2021

Dear Parents,

New, mandatory measures regarding diagnostic testing (free self-tests) applicable to students, faculty, and other staff in school environments that  are aimed at controlling the spread of COVID-19 were published in the Government Gazette Β' 2020/18-05-2021 / Joint Ministerial Decision (JMD) Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ.30518, overriding former JMD Δ1α/ΓΠ.οικ.27707/05-05-2021


·     COVID-19 self-tests are mandatory once (1x) per week, before Monday, for students, faculty and all staff in school environments.

·     Diagnostic testing, via free self-tests, is mandatory even for those who are already vaccinated.

·     If the result of the self-test is positive, a corresponding statement is issued by the platform. That individual must then go to a public testing center within 24 hours for a repeat test (in the interim – between the time of the positive self-test and the visit to the public testing center – the individual who tested positive and relatives with whom that individual lives must quarantine at home in accordance with relevant instructions issued by EODY).

·     At least 10 days must elapse from the onset of symptoms for the safe return to school.  A safe return entails at least 24 hours of being feverless without the use of antipyretic medication and the absence of other symptoms (which may last beyond the 10-days).

·     Close contacts of confirmed COVID19 cases may return to school 10 days after the last contact with the confirmed case, provided they are asymptomatic and have a negative result from a self-test that was performed 24 hours before the scheduled return date.

·     For the calculation of the 10-day period please see Article 2, paragraph 5 of the new JMD (page 23635 of the attached Gov. Gazette) – available in Greek only.


Thank you for your cooperation,


Panagiotis Giannoulatos
Psychico College
High School Director
