IB DP_Letter to Year 2 parents - Predicted Grades

May 13, 2021

To parents and guardians

of Year 2 students

of Psychico College International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme


Dear Parents,

Following our meeting on Friday, April 9th 2021 regarding the submission of predicted grades as specified by the IB Organisation, we would like to inform you that the School is awaiting responses from the IB to a significant number of review requests for predicted grades distribution. In response to our School’s follow-up questions, the IB confirmed on Tuesday, May 11th 2021 that the remaining answers to our requests would be sent out as soon as possible. Specifically, the IB stated: “As you are currently awaiting the outcome of existing requests, we just want to reassure you that your requests are being reviewed and that we will get back to you as soon as possible. We also want to reassure you that we have extended your predicted grade submission date in IBIS to May 21st to make sure that you have the time to consider our response to your requests and then enter your predicted grades.

On the basis of the above, we would like to inform you that we will announce predicted grades to our students on May 21st 2021. At the beginning of next week they will receive further information on the actual process.  

Warm regards,

Panagiotis Giannoulatos                                                        Antonios Apostolou

Director Private High School-Psychico College                    IB DP Coordinator
