Thank you for your support!

An Athens College Elementary School student team is raising money to build a school in the village of Kyereban 2, located near the artificial lake Volta in Ghana, Africa. The population of the village is about 600 inhabitants and it is located between the villages of Kyereban 1 and 3 (see location on Google maps). Although the village of Keyreban 2 was built near the lake to make it easier for the residents to access water, the community faces a lot of problems as it is impoverished, without electricity and most houses are made of straw. The school building that already exists is too small to accommodate the 250 students who attend it. 

Our goal is to raise enough money to build three new classrooms and a teacher's office. Our students intend to work closely with the volunteer Stefani Grigoriou from Cyprus, who will supervise the project in Ghana and will be sharing live streaming, videos and photos with the students so that they can follow developments and co-organize actions with the school of the area.

Let's support our students' effort to build a school in Ghana!

The amount of money required to complete the project is approximately 6,000 euros and it will change the standard of living of the people in the area. The project is expected to be completed by Spring 2024.

Through this effort, our students are also participating at our School's Annual Fund. After the needs of the project are met, the fundraising surplus will be donated in support of the Athens College Scholarship Program for Financial Aid to classmates and their families, as needed.

The team

The team consists of 17 students at 3rd and 4th grade, members of the Environmental and Gardening Club 2023-2024 and two teachers guiding the works of the Club.

Below you may find the team members in alphabetical order:

Aryana Reina Alexandratou 
Leon Depolas 
Stathis Generalis 
Marios Karagiannis 
Pier Pavlos Kotalakidis 
Petros Makrinos 
Alexandros Maniatis 
Philippos Theseas Manos 
Sophia Manolaki 
George Nikolakopoulos 
Alexandros Petrakis
Vasileios Roussakis 
Vasileios Spiliopoulos 
Phaedon Stavridis 
Stephanos Valasakis 
Efthymios Varelas 
Angelos Vlachos 

Teachers: Marianthi Giannakopoulou & Grigoris Tzouvistas

The team's mission & vision

The team's Mission is to raise funds that will ensure African villages access to clean water and better living conditions, as well as equality in education. Our school is inspired by actions that aim at changing the everyday lives of people in Ghana. 

The team's Vision is that by implementing the 17 Sustainable Development Goals, we can raise our environmental awareness as a school community and take action as citizens of the world. This year's goal is the 4th in a row entitled "Quality in Education" and our project will facilitate learning and the acquisition of knowledge, skills, values, beliefs and habits in a poor and underdeveloped area of the world.

See more on last year's related project Ghana 2023: Drilling at Ekoso village

For more information, you may contact teacher Marianthi Giannakopoulou, responsible for the Environmental and Gardening Club 2023-2024 (M: +30 6976436153, E: [email protected]).

Every gift empowers our students.

To make your gift: 
  • by card, please fill in the form below
  • through bank transfer see here.

The information you provide will be used to register your gift, to issue and send the gift receipt as well as to acknowledge your gift (where applicable). Please use upper and lower case (πεζοκεφαλαία) Latin characters. The fields marked with an asterisk (*) are mandatory.

Gift designation
You may choose to designate your gift to one of the following Scholarship Program options (if no designation is indicated, your gift will be put towards Financial Aid):
You may choose to designate your gift to one of the following Program options (if no designation is indicated, your gift will be put to Program/s as needed):

Annual Fund: The Annual Fund is an ongoing collective fundraising effort to mobilize participation of the members of the Athens College family in support of the School’s Scholarship/Financial Aid Program. 

You may support one or more Athens College runners. Click here (el) to see the list of College runners 2023If you choose to support more than one runners, please indicate the total amount breakdown among the runners next to their name or else the total amount will be distributed equally. The runners are informed of your support personally through the Power BI tool.

Consent to inform runner

Other gift options: If you wish to support a named scholarship, capital projects, the endowment or discuss other options, please contact the Development Office at tel +30 210-6798217, 218 or email [email protected].

You can see more on all available gift options here.

Other gift details
Gift amount*

If you wish us to inform someone of your gift in memory, please provide their information below:

If you wish us to inform someone of your gift in honor or for a special occasion, please provide their information below:

Contact details

Please fill in your contact details using upper and lower case (πεζοκεφαλαία) Latin characters, following the guidelines provided. The contact details you provide are registered (or update your existing contact details) in the Athens College (HAEF) database for the purposes of issuing and sending the gift receipt but also for every future communication in support of the School. As of 1/1/2023, the submission of gift tax statements is done electronically. We (HAEF) will carry out this process as the gift recipients, and correspondingly, donors will need to electronically accept-confirm. After submitting the statement, they will receive from AADE / Independent Authority for Public Revenue (IAPR), to the email they have declared on the platform, a relevant notification for acceptance. For every change/update in the future you may contact [email protected].

I wish to make my gift

Contact person at company / organization


Any gift you make as an alumnus/a counts towards your class giving. The Class Agents of your class can be informed of your support to the Scholarship Program and the School in general in view of (re)designing their communication with the class regarding class participation in support of their alma mater.

Transfer of professional information statement to SAΚΑ. I declare that I wish to transfer my professional information (work address, work phone number, email address) to SAΚΑ and that I will update them in the future if necessary.
Transfer of professional information statement from SAΚΑ to the College. I declare that I wish to transfer my professional information (work address, work phone number, email address) from SAΚΑ to the College and that I will update them in the future if necessary. (This statement is collected on behalf of AΚΑ and will be provided to SAΚΑ for updating its database and for communication-interaction with the College).
Additional affiliation

Any gift you make as an alumnus/a counts towards your class giving. The Class Agents of your class can be informed of your support to the Scholarship Program and the School in general in view of (re)designing their communication with the class regarding class participation in support of their alma mater.

Transfer of contact information statement to SAΚΑ. I declare that I wish to transfer my contact information (contact phone numbers, contact email address, mailing address) to SAΚΑ and that I will update them in the future if necessary.
Transfer of contact information statement from SAΚΑ to the College. I declare that I wish for any contact information (contact phone numbers, contact email address, mailing address) I have declared or will update in the future directly to SAΚΑ to be transferred to the College by SAΚΑ. (This statement is collected on behalf of SAΚΑ and will be provided to SAΚΑ for updating its database and for communication-interaction with the College).
Additional affiliation

Consent to publish your name

We acknowledge our donors upon donor consent — according to their annual aggregate giving level — in the annual Report on Giving within the following Giving Societies (Honor Roll of Donors). Consecutive giving of 5 and 10 years is indicated. The Report on Giving is distributed online and in print. Regarding your acknowledgement in the Report on Giving, you will receive a targeted communication and consent form. You may find the Report on Giving 2022-2023 here (el).

    Giving Societies

  • Emmanuel Benakis Society (100.000 € and above)
  • Stephanos & Penelope Delta Society (50.000 € - 100.000 €)
  • Homer Davis Society (20.000 € - 50.000 €)
  • Partners in Education (10.000 € - 20.000 €)
  • Patrons (2.500 € - 10.000 €)
  • Donors (1.000 € - 2.500 €)
  • Supporters (500 € - 1.000 €)
  • Friends (250 € - 500 €)
  • Contributors (1 € - 250 €) Donors are not listed by name.


We acknowledge all donors further to donor consent — irrespective of gift amount — on the Annual Fund Digital Donor Wall available on the Athens College website here. Reference to your gift/s can be made in your name and/or that of your spouse, or other beloved individual, or the company/organization that you represent. Acknowledgement includes full name and graduation year for alumni.


Please fill in using sentence case. If an alumnus/a, indicate class year followed by γ or Δ, where applicable.

Please fill in using sentence case. If an alumnus/a, indicate class year followed by γ or Δ, where applicable.

Comments / Notes


Athens College, also known as the Hellenic American Educational Foundation, is a registered nonprofit educational organization. All contributions are tax-deductible to the full extent of the law. For gifts in the U.S. please note that the Trustees of Athens College in Greece is a U.S. nonprofit organization described in section 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

Need help? If any query or technical problem, please contact the Development Office at tel. +30 210 6798217 or email [email protected].