IB DP_Information about registration procedure for official final exams May 2022

Nov 1, 2021

Psychico, 1st  November  2021


To parents and legal guardians

of Year 2 students

of the International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme

of the Private High School – Psychico College


Dear parents,

We would like to inform you about the registration procedure for students’ official International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme (IB DP) final exams 2022.

As you already know, the IB DP’s final exams are administered by the International Baccalaureate Organisation and require a registration fee. The amount required per student is six hundred fifty-one euro (651€), which includes examination costs for all subjects, shipping expenses and validation of the IB Diploma by the relevant authority in Geneva, as mandated by Greek law.

Payment of student fees must be submitted to the IB by our School by the end of November 2021. As such, we kindly ask that you make the payment of 651€ either via bank transfer or directly to the School’s Accounting Office by Monday, November 15th 2021, so that your son’s/daughter’s registration can proceed. When transferring the amount, you must use your payment ID, which you will receive via email from the School’s Accounting Office.

We would also like to ask that you submit a photocopy of your child’s Identity Card and his/her Birth Certificate via email by the end of November to IB Secretary Mrs. A. Giannoulopoulou at [email protected]. As a reminder, you can now download your child’s Birth Certificate online at https://www.gov.gr/ipiresies/oikogeneia/gennese/ pistopoietiko-genneses.

We thank you for your cooperation,

         Panagiotis Giannoulatos                                                     Eleni Vasileiou

Psychico College High School Director                   IB Programmes Director – IB DP Head
