Specialization (Track) Selection for Students Entering 11th Grade/B΄ Lyceum, Academic Year 2021-2022

Apr 6, 2021

Dear Parents,

According to prevailing legislation regarding the 11th grade (B΄ Lyceum) curriculum, all students take General Education courses (core) and must then opt to take courses that belong to one of two Specializations (Tracks): the Humanities or the Sciences. 

General Education courses are the following:

1.             Greek Language (Ancient Greek Language and Literature and Modern Greek Language and Literature),
2.             Mathematics (Algebra and Geometry),
3.             Natural Sciences (Physics, Chemistry, and Biology),
4.             Introduction to the Principles of Computer Science,
5.             History,
6.             Philosophy,
7.             Religion,
8.             Foreign Language I (English),
9.             Foreign Language II (French or German) and 
10.            Physical Education

Courses in the Humanities track are:

1.               Ancient Greek Language and Literature, and
2.               Latin

Courses in the Science track are:

1.               Physics, and
2.               Mathematics 

In order to register students entering 11th grade in academic year 2021-2022 in one of the two areas of specialization, you are kindly requested to complete – in consultation with your child – the Specialization (Track) Selection Form that you will find on the School’s Portal.  To access it, you will need to enter your personal identification / password.  The completed Specialization (Track) Selection Form must be returned by Friday, April 23, 2021 at the latest.

The Form has been loaded under “Useful Links” in the Portal.

Thank you for your cooperation.

Panagiotis Giannoulatos
Psychico College
High School Director
