Exemption from the subject of Religion, acad. year 2020-2021
Dear Parents,
Please refer to the attached files (ιn Greek) regarding the procedure for obtaining an exemption from the subject of Religion. An exemption is granted further to the submission of Legal Affidavit N.1599/1986 signed by either the student him/herself (if over 18 years of age) or both parents (if a minor), declaring that the student is not of the Eastern Orthodox faith and for reasons of religious conscience seeks to be exempted from the subject of Religion. Signatures must be authenticated either by a KEP center or police authority official or online at www.gov.gr.
Legal affidavits must be submitted by Monday, September 14th, 2020.
Kindly note that exempted students are required to attend another subject in a different class section of the same grade.
Athens College
Junior High School Director