Make someday… TODAY! Light up the way of our students’ path; down the steps of Benaki Hall and into the world for a brighter tomorrow.

Dear Fellow Alumnus,

Although some years have passed since we were students at Athens College, you remain solid in our thoughts and we trust that we find you safe and robust through these difficult times. Recently appointed the 16th President of Athens College – an honor and great privilege that carry huge responsibility – I reach out today to connect with you. 

As an Athens College alumnus, you are aware that our School, since its inception, has cultivated innovative thinking and engendered great achievements, as quantified by the remarkable paths of our alumni who have been leaders in all disciplines and have created a better world for all of us to live in. Mindful of these achievements, we aspire to keep on empowering and grooming all of our students to become world citizens with a “growth mindset”.

To achieve that, we count on the generosity and support of our alumni. We count on you to invest in our students and light up their path; down the steps of Benaki Hall and into the world for a brighter tomorrow. 

We also count on you to stay in touch*. Our School is rapidly approaching its centennial celebration in 2025 and reconnecting with all our alumni is essential so that we may share this milestone with as many as possible. I, therefore, call on each of you to join me in ensuring that Athens College meets and exceeds the high bar that it has set in providing an outstanding educational experience. Together, let us prepare it for a second century of existence.

As the holidays approach, I reiterate the importance of family. And, you, my fellow alumni, are family as well and I welcome you into the fold of the Athens College community. I will do my part by promising to keep in touch with you. 

With fond collegial regards and my warmest wishes, I thank you for supporting your alma mater and our efforts to keep our community intact and shape new alumni that will make a difference in our world, as many of you have done. 


Prof. Costas Synolakis ’75

Watch the President's video message

Every gift – of any size – matters.
Let’s all participate with as much as each of us can give.
Collective participation is our strength and empowers our students. 

Let’s make someday… TODAY!

All our donors are acknowledged, upon donor consent, on our Annual Fund Holiday 2020 Digital Donor Wall! Acknowledgement includes full name and graduation year for alumni/ae. Gift amount is not made public.

Thank you for your support.
Happy Holidays & Stay Safe!

If you have already made a gift, we thank you on behalf of the College.
Our Development Office is a phone call or an email away.

Greece T: +30 210 6798217
USA Τ: +1 212 697 7071
* Please show your affinity by connecting with us, whether by updating your contact information through your class agent, helping us locate your classmates, visiting your School when prevailing health issues dissipate  and/or by providing support for programs and scholars. If you were a scholar or boarder, share your story on how Athens College helped to shape you. Alternatively, share your personal or professional story to inspire today’s students. Mentor and empower faculty. We need and welcome your assistance in whatever shape and form it may come.

Athens College is one of Greece's premier Pre K-12 nonprofit educational institutions. Founded in 1925 by enlightened Greeks and supported by forward-thinking American philhellenes, Athens College currently educates 4,804 students equally divided between both genders.

For gifts in the U.S. please note that the Trustees of Athens College in Greece is a U.S. nonprofit organization described in section 170(c)(2) and 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code.

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