Psychoeducational Team Practices

1.   Support to children for a smooth transition to Elementary School
The school readiness assessment aims to prepare children for their better adaptation to the new school environment.

2.   Detection and assessment of students’ difficulties
The aim is to identify children with emotional, social or learning difficulties which prevent them from acquiring basic school skills, as well as to address a variety of issues on a timely basis in order to avert them.  Additionally, students are referred to Public entities when deemed necessary.

3.    Provision of support to children for their smooth adjustment
Prompt observation and monitoring of students throughout the course of their schooling, aimed at designing and implementing remedial measures based on their needs.

4.    Provision of individual counseling services to students

5.    Systematic Psychoeducational and Learning Intervention for students
The Psychoeducational Department, in collaboration with teachers and with the consent of parents, can support students either individually or in groups.

6.    Counseling Support for parents
Individual meetings with parents are held at their request or at the request of the School for issues that arise.

7.    Lectures for parents on topics related to childhood and adaptation to school

8.    Talks - Discussions with students on topics related to their interests

9.    Collaboration with teachers
Throughout the academic year, the psychoeducational team works with teachers to effectively manage classroom settings and deal with critical situations when they arise.

10.   Collaboration with school bus attendants
The aim of meetings with school bus attendants is to facilitate their communication with the student population.

11. Psychological Support

Understanding the children’s need to speak and express their emotions regarding the war in Ukraine, we watched the story “The Seed of Peace” and discussed the meanings of war and peace. At the end, students painted pictures sending their own message of peace.

You can see the paintings here

Prevention and Empowerment Practices

1.  Early intervention in classrooms
Participation of members of the Psychoeducational Department in the study of 1st and 2nd grade sections with the aim of identifying difficulties and implementing preventive and early intervention measures.

2.  Classroom activities to raise emotional awareness

  • Getting students to know their classmates and working with all students as a group (within the section), in order to strengthen social skills and cultivate a positive climate in the new class.
  • Discussion with students about friendship, criteria for choosing friends, and feelings.
  • Discussion with children about their concerns and anxieties regarding interpersonal relationships.

3.  Activity for student segregation
Children are invited to share thoughts and feelings about their impending separation from section classmates in 2nd and 4th grades.

4.  Mediation in 4th grade sections
Peer mediation is a peaceful process for resolving conflicts between two or more dissenting students in school life with the help of trained psychologists and fellow students.  It is accomplished through a clearly defined, structured process that involves the active participation and direct communication between parties in order to constructively resolve the dispute.  The objectives of peer mediation are:

  • To reduce violent behaviors and deter the dissolution of friendly relations
  • To reduce disciplinary problems
  • To “liberate” teachers from the role of “policing”
  • To strengthen individuality and equality
  • To help children develop the skills required to manage issues in their interpersonal relationships
  • To improve school climate

5. Mediation Club
A select group of our School’s students can opt to join this particular club where prospective mediators are trained in the principles of Mediation. The objectives of the training process are:

  • To acquire hands-on experience
  • To become responsible participants
  • To help participants gain self-confidence by involving them in conflict scenarios
  • To empower them to apply their skills

6.  Adolescence – Moving on to Junior High School
Discussion with sixth grade students on their expectations, anxieties, and concerns.  Cultivation of skills that adolescents need in order to facilitate adaptation to their new school environment.

7. “You are my first grader” – “You are my sixth grader”
At the outset of the academic year, each sixth grade student is paired with a first grade student in order to facilitate the adjustment and socialization of the younger child.  During the year, joint activities are organized to promote a relationship of trust between the children.  At the same, the relationship helps the sixth grader to acquire responsibility and take initiatives, thus preparing him/her for Junior High School.

8. The Friendship Tree
This particular activity takes place during break times.  Its objective is twofold: on the one hand, it enhances socialization and supports children in the development of social skills; on the other, it deters school bullying.

9. Webinars for parents
A series of online seminars during the pandemic.  The closure of schools, coupled with social isolation, brought us all face to face with personal anxieties and concerns related to children–parent dynamics. One of the biggest challenges during this period was to confront unprecedented circumstances using “good judgement” instead of panic.